
Why Africa Will Starve

United Nations estimates that 20 to 30 million humans in Africa are in danger of starving to death. Such human suffering should be alleviated by whatever means humanity has at its disposal. However, it is inevitable that Africa will starve.

The causes of this emergency situation mentioned by Africa Action (a coalition of non-profit groups) are

The last item is becoming so dire in some areas, the social workers assigned there talk of entire generations being lost. One especially heart-breaking case involved a grandfather having to take in all his 16 grandchildren as their parents died.

Hello? Am I the only person who can do math? Let's wave a magic wand and change the political system throughout the entire continent to "Utopia on Earth." And while we have the wand out let's turn the climate dial to "Perfect" and why not cure AIDS while we're at it. Given these changes, Africa will still starve.

When 2 people become 16, it doesn't matter what system is in place. Food will run out. The population of Africa in 1950 was 220 million; in 2000 it was over 750 million. And any solution that Africa Action has suggested (more money to buy food, more food from other places, more money to cure disease) will seem pretty silly when it is not Africa facing starvation, but the entire over-populated Earth. Which planet are we going to be buying and importing this food from?

Ask yourself, what happens when the world has not 6 billion people but 12 billion? Maybe technology, political and social change will help. Now make it 24 billion. Still think we can handle it? OK, 50 billion. Exponential growth has no bounds so whatever your solution is, it is destined to be short term. All we have to do is wait a few more years and your solution is swamped under the mass of humanity.

Should Africa be helped? Absolutely. Should we consider any progress a victory? No. We are simply washing the linens on the Titanic.