

Exercise Answers

Exercise 1: Class B with 500 subnets
Exercise 2: 155.70.144/20 with 100 subnets

TopExercise 1: Class B, 500 subnets

  • Class B addresses (in CIDR-speak, 119.48./16)
  • 500 subnets are required
Calculate subnet mask
  • How many bits are required to create 500 subnets?
  • The number of subnets available is 2n - 2, where n is the number of 'borrowed' bits. The 2 subtracted is to allow for the network address (which cannot be a subnet) and the network broadcast (which cannot be a subnet). For more information see Subnetting Efficiency
  • 28 - 2 = 253. Not enough.
  • 29 - 2 = 510. Bingo!
  • The first 16 bits are assigned, the next 9 are subnetwork addresses. Any differences in these first 25 bits means the addresses are on different networks (and must be routed by the router).
  • The subnet mask is 25 1's followed by 7 0's:
    11111111 . 11111111 . 11111111 . 10000000
    Subnet mask is
  • The number of host addresses available on each subnet is 2m - 3, where m is the number of host bits (n + m + assigned bits = 32). The 3 subtracted is to allow for the network address (which cannot be a host), the broadcast (which cannot be a host) and the gateway (which cannot be a host). For more information see Subnetting Efficiency
    27 - 3 = 125
Calculate the settings of a host on subnet 300
  • 300th usable 9-bit subnet is 10010110 0.
  • The subnet 300 address is
    119 . 48 . [ 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0  .  0 ] { 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }
  • Gateway will be the first usable address on subnet 300:
    119 . 48 . [ 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0  .  0 ] { 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 }
    Gateway address is
  • Subnet mask is (from above)
  • Host addresses start from the second usable address (the first is the router)
    119 . 48 . [ 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0  .  0 ] { 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 }
    First host's address is

TopExercise 2: 20 assigned bits, 100 subnets

  • CIDR addresses 155.70.144/20
  • 100 subnets are required
Calculate subnet mask
  • How many bits are required to create 100 subnets?
  • The number of subnets available is 2n - 2, where n is the number of 'borrowed' bits. The 2 subtracted is to allow for the network address (which cannot be a subnet) and the network broadcast (which cannot be a subnet). For more information see Subnetting Efficiency
  • 26 - 2 = 62. Not enough.
  • 27 - 2 = 126. Bingo!
  • The first 20 bits are assigned, the next 7 are subnetwork addresses. Any differences in these first 27 bits means the addresses are on different networks (and must be routed by the router).
  • The subnet mask is 27 1's followed by 5 0's:
    11111111 . 11111111 . 11111111 . 11100000
    Subnet mask is
  • The number of host addresses available on each subnet is 2m - 3, where m is the number of host bits (n + m + assigned bits = 32). The 3 subtracted is to allow for the network address (which cannot be a host), the broadcast (which cannot be a host) and the gateway (which cannot be a host). For more information see Subnetting Efficiency
    25 - 3 = 29
Calculate the settings of a host on subnet 3
  • 3rd usable 7-bit subnet is 0000 011.
  • The subnet 3 address is
    155 . 70 . 1 0 0 1 [ 0 0 0 0  .  0 1 1 ] { 0 0 0 0 0 }
  • Gateway will be the first usable address on subnet 3:
    155 . 70 . 1 0 0 1 [ 0 0 0 0  .  0 1 1 ] { 0 0 0 0 1 }
    Gateway address is
  • Subnet mask is (from above)
  • Host addresses start from the second usable address (the first is the router)
    155 . 70 . 1 0 0 1 [ 0 0 0 0  .  0 1 1 ] { 0 0 0 1 0 }
    First host's address is

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© Copyright 2000 Guy T. Schafer, Cisco-Certified Network Associate
Last updated January, 2000